Higher Education Institutions for the development of People in Thailand 4.0 as the wisdom of the country

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พระวิระพันธ์ ติกฺขปญฺโญ (เสียงเย็น)


There are many vital situations that affect the need for educational development, such as the advancement of the information technology affecting economic system, the Digital Revolution toward the transition to the industrial revolution 4.0, the impact of being an ASEAN Community on the economic and social system. The main issues presented in this article are as follows: 1) the development process of higher education institutions in Thailand 4.0 and 2) propose the development process of higher education institutions.

          The study found that entering 4.0 era of Thailand needs cooperation from all parties to drive the entire system. The important factors that will lead to gain the effective goals rely on different aspects such as education for people of all ages, levels. Everyone should understand the important aspects of education 4.0 along with the concept of educational experts in National Education Commission. The goal of National Education Commission is associating National Education Act B.E. 2560 – 2579 with National Strategies for Education and Development. It can be said that if education leaders and educational personnel, both public and private sectors, understand the aspect of education 4.0 and cooperate to act in accordance with their roles and responsibilities, it will truly lead to Education 4.0 and finally Thailand 4.0

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ติกฺขปญฺโญ (เสียงเย็น) พ. (2019). Higher Education Institutions for the development of People in Thailand 4.0 as the wisdom of the country. MCU Haripunchai Review, 3(1), 98–114. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/190895
Academic article


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