The Impact of Corporate Income Tax Planning on Firm Value : An Empirical Evidence from Listed Companies in Thailand

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สัตยา ตันจันทร์พงศ์


This study aims to investigate the effect of corporate income tax planning on firm value during the year 2014-2016. The sample comprises of 873 firm-years. Corporate income tax planning was measured by effective tax rate (ETR) and the ratio of corporate income tax to total assets (TAX/ASSET). The firm value was measured by Tobin’s Q. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis. The paper found that corporate income tax planning had negative effects on firm value, especially, companies that did not employ BIG4 auditing firms. Regarding control variable, the study found that firm size had negative effects on firm value. However, leverage, profitability and capital intensity had positive effects on firm value. The findings provide guideline for listed firms in managing capital and resources more efficiently.

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