The Relationship between Proactive and Responsive Market Orientation, Seven Marketing Activities Lever (7As), and Expectation of Service: An Empirical Evidence from 3-5-star Hotels Business in Thailand

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Thawit Buathong
Narisara Satjapong
Chutimar Ruengutamanan


The research investigated the relationship between proactive market orientation (PMO), responsive market orientation (RMO) and seven marketing activities levers (7As). The study focus on hotel business in Thailand. The informants are marketing executive from hotel business of Thailand. The sample size totals 255 hotel businesses in Thailand (128, 3-star hotels and 127, 4-5-star hotels). Structural equation model tested hypotheses. The findings reveal that relationships between PMO and RMO have substantial positive impact on 7As. However, 4-5-star hotels, the findings indicate that RMO and anticipation activities not have significant relationship. In conclusion, RMO, PMO, and 7As play as an essential in creating marketing strategy process in the hotel business. Therefore, the hotel manager should choose appropriate PMO, RMO, and 7As for the hotel. Furthermore, researchers should consider reexamining other industries to compare the findings and gains for greater generalizability in the future. Limitation and suggestion for future research are also highlighted.

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