The Relationship between the Quality of Social Responsibility Disclosure and Stock Price of Firms Listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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ศุกันยา ห้วยผัด


The objectives of this research were to investigate the quality of social responsibility disclosure of firms listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand and to study stock price relationship with the quality of social responsibility disclosure; environment, employees, social and community activities, and product or service direction of firms listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The sample was 385 firms listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand in year 2015. The statistical analysis was Multiple Regression. Data of the quality of social responsibility disclosure was collected by working papers developed from literature reviews and Global Reporting Initiative framework. The results can be found that the quality of product or service responsibility direction disclosure has a positive and significant association with stock price. The quality of social and community activities responsibility direction disclosure has a negative and significant association with stock price. Other variables consisting of the quality of environment and employees responsibility direction disclosure are not significantly associated with stock price.

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