The Influencing of Factor for Intention to Move the Work Place of the Officials of Sub -district Administrative Organization in Samut Songkhram Province

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อุทิศ ดวงผาสุข


The purpose of this research was to verify the effects of antecedent factors which are job motivation and internal organization environment passing through the moderator variable that is organization affective commitment and job burnout toward the consequence factors which are intention to move the work place of the officials of Sub district Administrative Organization in Samut Songkhram Province. The total number of 114 people was analyzed by frequency, percentage, means, and standard deviation. The correlation coefficient was tested by Pearson correlation and tested hypotheses by simple regression analysis. The results of the study showed as following: 1) job motivation had positive effects on organization affective commitment, but had negative effects on job burnout and intention to move the work place  2) Internal organization environment had positive effects on organization affective commitment, but had negative effects on job burnout, and intention to move the work place 3) organization affective commitment had negative effects on intention to move the work place, and 4) job burnout  had positive  effects on intention to move the work place.

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Author Biography

อุทิศ ดวงผาสุข

Public Health Technical Officer, Samut Songkhram Provincial Public Health Office


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