The Impact of Sustainability Accounting on Performance Of the Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

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ทรงเดช ไชยชนะ
ทิพยาภรณ์ ปัตถา
ฐิฏิกานต์ สุริยะสาร
สรัชนุช บุญวุฒิ
สนธิญา สุวรรณราช
สุธีรา ทิพย์วิวัฒน์พจนา


The purpose of this research was to study the impact of sustainability accounting practices on performance of the listed companies in the stock exchange of Thailand. Sustainability accounting practices studied comprise environmental accounting, value added statement, sustainability report, and human rights disclosure. A questionnaire instrument was used in gathering information from 139 respondents who are accounting executives in listed companies in the stock exchange of Thailand. Statistical analyses employed in this study were multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis for hypothesis testing.

            Findings from the research suggested that environmental accounting, sustainable report, and human rights disclosure have a positive effect. However, value added statement has no effect on the performance of those companies. Therefore, management should pay attention to sustainability accounting practices. If this research is applied appropriately, it will be beneficial to the company in planning, control and subsequently develop its operations in order to acheive sustainable efficiency. It also benefits all stakeholders in obtaining more complete and quality information for economic decision making.

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