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อำนาจ บุญประเสริฐ
จินดา ศรีญาณลักษณ์


The purpose of this research is to: 1) study the elements of the curriculum management model of educational administration of Rajabhat University 2) to evaluate the appropriateness of the curriculum management model of educational a ministration of Rajabhat University Research is integrated. By using Delphi technique from the sample group who are experts in curriculum management in the field of educational administration in the number of 19 people using a random sampling method And how to tell And analysis of the appropriateness of the curriculum management model of the Rajabhat University administration in practical implementation By the sample group from the president and the executive committee of the curriculum of educational administration in the amount of 100 people Standard Deviation And content analysis

       The research found that

  1. The curriculum management model in the field of educational administration of Rajabhat University has four components, consisting of organization planning Director / Adoption Control / Directing / Tracking

  2. The curriculum management model in the field of educational administration of Rajabhat University is feasible in the actual implementation from the highest to the most, including planning. Organization Director And the control / supervision / monitoring of the average 4.23 3.68 3.89 and 4.60 respectively

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How to Cite
บุญประเสริฐ อ., & ศรีญาณลักษณ์ จ. (2019). THE MODEL OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OF RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(6), 2875–2894. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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