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สืบพงษ์ ปราบใหญ่
รุ่งรัตนา เจริญจิตต์
ยศระวี วายทองคำ


The purpose of this research was to study the guidelines for the management of graduate studies in the 21st century. The samples used in the research were 1) two hundred educational personnel in higher education institutions under the government (Ramkhamhaeng university) received from purposive sampling. 2) Five lecturer in graduate program from Ramkhamhaeng university. And 3) Five graduate experts from Ramkhamhaeng university who were selected by purposive sampling. The instrument used was a 5 level gauge guideline questionnaire with a consistency index of 1.0 and a whole confidence value of 0.948. The statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the consistency index. The interview results were analyzed by data classification and data grouping.

          The research found that:

          The guidelines for the management of graduate studies in the 21st century are in the highest level          ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.27) and each aspect was at the highest level in all 4 aspect respectively, In technology ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.37); Namely 1) using technology to support teaching and learning to facilitate communication, such as social media applications (IOC=0.8) 2) Develop communication infrastructure to support lifelong learning (IOC=0.8) 3) Use technology as a medium for communication between instructors and learners (IOC=0.8) and 4) Build a resource management system for Learning with access to learning anywhere and anytime (IOC=1.0). In political policy ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.27) 1) Education should be emphasized on knowledge and expertise in various fields of work (IOC=0.8) 2) There should be a coordination with entrepreneurs to develop skills of graduates (IOC=0.8) 3 ) Information technology should be used to support self-learning (IOC=0.6) and 4) Education management to promote lifelong learning (IOC=0.6) In economics ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.24) 1) There should be a support on external research and research funding (IOC=1.0) 2) Focusing on creating innovations that can be used both now and in the future (IOC=1.0) 3) There should be an integration between each field of studies to create innovation or value-added (IOC=0.8) and 4) Reducing learning costs by using the internet support system (IOC=0.6). Social and cultural aspects ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.23) 1) Education should be conducted in accordance with the standard criteria of the curriculum and the professional criteria specified (IOC=1.0) 2) Developing a curriculum that is responsive to the context of Thai society and culture and world society (IOC=0.6) 3) Integrating society and culture with teaching by encouraging various activities (IOC=1.0) and 4) Promoting learning different languages and cultures (IOC=0.8).

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How to Cite
ปราบใหญ่ ส., เจริญจิตต์ ร., & วายทองคำ ย. (2020). GUIDELINES MANAGEMENT FOR GRADUATE STUDIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5324–5343. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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