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ภาวดี เหมทานนท์
พีรวิทย์ พันธ์ฤทธิ์ดำ
กฤษฎา เวชภักดิ์
เกษรา วนโชติตระกูล


This cross-sectional research was to study the level of happiness and quality of life of supportive staffs in college of nursing. There were 50 supportive staffs in college of nursing who worked more than 6 months. The research instrument were the Happinometer and WHOQOL – BREF – THAI -26. Data were collected in January 2019 and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

          Results revealed:

  1. The average of happiness level of all supportive staffs were happy level (µ = 64.35, σ = 7.87), the highest level was happy soul domain (µ = 74.10, σ= 11.85) and happy money domain was the lowest (µ = 50.88, σ = 16.85).

  2. The level of individual happiness, most of supportive staffs were happy level (90.00%), highly happy (8.00%) and unhappiness (2.00%)

  3. The overall quality of life was good (56.00%), in addition to moderate quality of life (44.00%), In the physical domain were equal moderate and good level (50.00%), the psychological domain was good level (76.00%), the social relationship was good level (54.00%) and the environment domain was the moderate level (34.00%)

          The supportive staffs had happiness, good level of quality of life. They had the lowest level happiness in money domain. These guideline to manage and enhancement daily life, work life and related factors.

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How to Cite
เหมทานนท์ ภ., พันธ์ฤทธิ์ดำ พ., เวชภักดิ์ ก., & วนโชติตระกูล เ. (2020). THE HAPPINESS AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE SUPPORTIVE STAFFS AT COLLEGE OF NURSING. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 4728–4739. Retrieved from
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