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อนุชา ช้างน้อย
ศรุดา สมพอง


The purpose of this research is 1) To study the problems and the oversight of the national budget for the development of temples and Buddhism. 2) To study the factors that are the budget allocation problems in the development of temples and Buddhism and 3)To study the guideline and responsibility of overseeing the use of the national budget for the development of temples and Buddhism Is a descriptive study by a qualitative research method using in-depth interviews and focus groups by key informants are divided into 3 groups, namely management As for related policies Operations Management Team And Stake Holders and use the data to analyze and summarize the research results.

          The results of the research showed that:

  1. The problems of the supervision of the use of the national budget for the development of temples and Buddhism found that the temple lacked a systematic financial management structure. The law currently in force is under the responsibility of the abbot. The absence of standard financial reporting And there is no financial data collected for the temple Causing a lack of reflection on the overall financial management of the temple In which agencies should have a role to collect data Especially the Office of National Buddhism Still not able to collect financial information of Thai temples systematically enough.

  2. The factors that are the problem of the budget allocation for the development of temples and Buddhism, found that the problem is the structure of the Sangha Synod. That cannot handle the problem, there is a delay And not having a strong enough inspection system While the National Buddhism Office Which is responsible for promoting the Buddhist business Committed corruption himself And the personnel in the organization lack quality, lack of morality When problems occur, other agencies must come to solve the problem instead.

  3. Responsibility guidelines for overseeing the use of the national budget for temple and Buddhism development. It is found that government agencies responsible for overseeing the use of the national budget for temple and Buddhism development Measures or guidelines should be prescribed to prevent and solve corruption problems by focusing on creating good governance in the administration. And promote participation from all sectors in the examination of the national budget.

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How to Cite
ช้างน้อย อ., & สมพอง ศ. (2020). ACCOUNTABILITY FOR OVERSEEING THE USE OF THE NATIONAL BUDGET IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MONASTERY AND BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5890–5907. Retrieved from
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