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ชาคริยา ชายเกลี้ยง
วีรวรรณ จงจิตร ศิริจิรกาล
ปรีชา สามัคคี


The article of blended supervision model for enhancement research of secondary school teachers had an objective for: 1) to studied the present situation and supervision requirement for research promotion of secondary school teachers 2) to developed the blended supervision model for enhancement research of secondary school teachers and 3) to evaluated the effectiveness of blended supervision model for enhancement research of secondary school teachers. The research and development (R&D) by sample group such as: 1) to studied the present situation and supervision requirement of 185 mathematics teachers 2) the experiment was used with 7 mathematics teachers by choosing a specific sample and 3) to evaluated the effectiveness by using a model with teachers in the mathematics subject of 10 persons who was specific sample. The research tool included 1) the supervision model 2) the research knowledge test form 3) the research skill test form 4) the research evaluation test form and 5) satisfaction assessment form by using statistic for data analysis such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and content analysis. 

          The research found that:

          1.At present, the teachers have research to develop learning management at a high level (

The article of blended supervision model for enhancement research of secondary school teachers had an objective for: 1) to studied the present situation and supervision requirement for research promotion of secondary school teachers 2) to developed the blended supervision model for enhancement research of secondary school teachers and 3) to evaluated the effectiveness of blended supervision model for enhancement research of secondary school teachers. The research and development (R&D) by sample group such as: 1) to studied the present situation and supervision requirement of 185 mathematics teachers 2) the experiment was used with 7 mathematics teachers by choosing a specific sample and 3) to evaluated the effectiveness by using a model with teachers in the mathematics subject of 10 persons who was specific sample. The research tool included 1) the supervision model 2) the research knowledge test form 3) the research skill test form 4) the research evaluation test form and 5) satisfaction assessment form by using statistic for data analysis such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and content analysis. 

          The research found that:

          1.At present, the teachers have research to develop learning management at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.77) and there is supervision need for research promotion at the highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.52).

          2.The blended supervision model for enhancement research of secondary school teachers that included with 6 configurations 1) principle   2) objective 3) content 4) supervision process 5) measurement and evaluation and 6) success conditions. The six supervision process was 1) search for needs    2) supervision plan 3) awareness before supervision 4) supervision operation by using blended supervision that mean to create occupation leaning in the community, develop mind in an organization, mentor system and online supervision 5) supervision evaluation and 6) reflection 0.95 of item-objective congruence index (IOC).  The trail results found that the participants had basic knowledge of research by an average score before training 17.71 points and average score 19.71 points after training. The score are significant differences at .05. The teachers have research skills at an average of 78.37 percent and the research work of the teachers are of high quality ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.10).

          3.The result for evaluated the effectiveness of blended supervision model for enhancement research of secondary school teachers found that an average score before training 17.60 points and after 19.80 points.  The score are significant differences at .05, the average of research skill 82.00 percentage, there was high quality level of research result ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.19) and the satisfaction of using the blended supervision model to promote the research was at the high level  ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.05).


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How to Cite
ชายเกลี้ยง ช., ศิริจิรกาล ว. จ., & สามัคคี ป. (2020). BLENDED SUPERVISION MODEL FOR ENHANCEMENT RESEARCH OF SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5344–5361. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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