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นฤมล อนุสนธิ์พัฒน์
ธีระพงษ์ ทศวัฒน์


This research aims to study the cultural adaptation processes of the Tha-saan community in order to contribute to the Tha-saan culture’s uniqueness and value.  In addition, this study examines the cultural life of this community as it has existed for many years and how this culture drives local development and address issues related to capitalism.

         This qualitative research mainly focuses on field research. The tools used for collecting data are: (1) participant observation; (2) key-information interview; (3) information interview; and (4) participatory filed survey for obtaining important data involving food culture and people living including knowledge conservation in local wisdom about settlement and commerce that showing the Chinese-Thai ethnic identities, lived in Bangpakong river.

         The results show that the Tha-saan community has gathered itself to establish “Community Enterprise Courtyard” under the Community Economy concept and Local Wisdom. Moreover, the development of Community Tourism was emphasized to be  outstanding activities, which attracted many tourists from the outside that contrubute income as well as cultural value conservation. Furthermore, through the community education system and cooperative activities, members of the community learn the community history, significant traditions. Also growing tourism trends for this community offer an opportunity for higher income and the further preservation of the community’s culture.

         Therefore, the adaptive attributes of the Tha-saan community are applied to sell the local products in markets and conserve important cultural aspects such as the wooden house community.

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How to Cite
อนุสนธิ์พัฒน์ น., & ทศวัฒน์ ธ. (2020). THE ADAPTATION PROCESS OF THE THA-SAAN COMMUNITY IN THE MIDST OF INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 4754–4768. Retrieved from
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