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ประสิทธิ์ ลาภพิทักษ์มงคล
ขันทอง วัฒนะประดิษฐ์
บรรจบ บรรณรุจิ
บรรพต ต้นธีรวงศ์


This research article purpose. 1) to study the roles and duties of the mediator. 2) To study the characteristics of the mediator in accordance with the principles of Buddhism. And 3) To propose the development of the characteristics of the mediator. This research uses the qualitative research methodology in the field by studying the documents and in-depth interview and focus group discussions of 5 informants. Key informants, divided into 6 groups, 42 persons, data analysis, synthesized and explained by using the descriptive writing technique.

Findings were as follows:

  1. The Mediator is the one who acts as a bridge that leads those who have conflicts to overcome suffering problems due to sedentary conflicts, causing depression. And is a supporter of the atmosphere in negotiations to find a solution.

  2. To concept about the characteristics of the mediator according to the Buddhist peaceful means, it was found that the characteristics of a good compromise were 11 points: (1) being a devoted ideologist, And believe of the mediator works. (2) being a peaceful person within (3) being knowledgeable Expertise in the science used in mediation (4) Be smart and intelligent in solving problems with intelligence. (5) Be a professional listener. (8) Be creative. (7) Be neutral, without prejudice. 4 (8). Those who have moral behavior (9) are those who are ready to learn and develop (10) with commitment and responsibility to duty. (11) Be wise in building relationships.

  3. The development of the mediator 11 article by (1) Promoting a compromise based on threefold principles, increasing mediation skills. (2) Practicing Yonisomanasikara's thinking by Meditation Patience and Smartly analyzed. (3) Increase dialogue according to the qualities of a good friend principles to exchange knowledge. 4) Development of treatment for other people by Four Noble Truths. it will make the compromise person happy to perform their duties and increase the mediation performance better. And increase the capacity to consciously mediate.

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How to Cite
ลาภพิทักษ์มงคล ป., วัฒนะประดิษฐ์ ข., บรรณรุจิ บ., & ต้นธีรวงศ์ บ. (2020). MEDIATOR CHARACTERISTICS BY BUDDHIST PEACEFUL MEANS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5678–5687. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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