Guidelines for Management of Organic Rice Community Enterprises to Sustainable Success, BanUm Sang, Rasi Salai district, Sisaket province

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กมลมาศ เอี้ยวถาวร
ภาดล อามาตย์


          The purposes of this research ware 1) to study the problem of management of the organic rice community enterprise to sustainable success, BanUm Sang , Rasi Salai district, Sisaket province, 2) to study the guideline for management of the organic rice community enterprise to sustainable success, BanUm Sang, Rasi Salai district, Sisaket province.The target groups for the interview were 1) 6 public/private sector representatives, 2) 4 representatives from the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives and 4 provincial Agricultural Officers, 3) 5 Rice Buyer Representatives from BanUm Sang.The target groups for the group discussion were the chairman, vice chairman, group members, community enterprise leader, agricultural scientist, and the major stakeholders in the public and private sectors in Ban Um Sang, Rasi Salai district, Sisaket province divided into 2 groups, each group consisted of 5 people, total 10 people were acquired by the specific purpose sampling on community enterprise area, Ban Um Sang, Rasi Salai district, Sisaket province.

The research findings were as follows:

1) The problem of management of the organic rice community enterprise to sustainable success in Ban Um Sang, Rasi Salai district, Sisaket province, showed that: 1) Financial or investment problems were not supported by government sources or related agencies, 2) marketing problems were problems with product production, lack of creative product design to attract the market, 3) production problems were problems of product and service processes that do not meet the needs of consumers, 4) management problems, lack of management planning, 5) leadership problem, leaders lack of support for members to participate in goal setting and work planning, 6) labor problem, members lack knowledge and understanding of the operation of the organic rice community for implementation of community enterprise activities, 7) participant's problem, lack of participation in all process planning, and 8) regulatory problem of the organization, no regulations were established for the organic rice community enterprise, the problem of illegal regulation of the group, lack of legal knowledge on the operation of the organic rice community, lack of legal consultant on the business of organic rice community enterprise.

  1. 2. The result of study on the management of the organic rice community enterprise to sustainable success, Ban Um Sang, Rasi Salai district, Sisaket province, found that : 1) Financial or investment should be studied on funding sources and collaboration with government agencies to support, promotes, and drive, 2) marketing should have distribution channels or by using media and technology to support for sales, such as facebook, private line, group line, 3) production process, the quality standard of the product should be standardized to meet the needs of consumers, 4) management should be a systematic management and management plan, 5) leadership should be monitored and coordinated, invited members should be involved in targeting and planning, 6) workers should promote and support local employment, 7) participation of members should allow members of the group to participate in all planning processes, and 8) the regulations of the organization should make regulations of the organic rice community enterprise. It should be studied the rules or important legal and ethical issues in production of goods and services related to the production of organic rice, such as the property violations, copyright.

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