“full-time lesurists”: how elderly persons deal with their excessive spare time in “the elderly’s karaoke”


  • อาจินต์ ทองอยู่คง Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University


elderly persons, aging culture, spare time, karaoke, digital technology


This article looks at how elderly persons deal with their excessive spare time by spending the majority of their daytime at a particular genre of karaoke venues:  “the elderly’s karaoke,” which has recently become popular among elderly persons in Bangkok metropolitan areas. The study is based on my observation and interviews with the business owners and customers at two of such the karaoke outlets in Bangkok. I propose that, for elderly persons in industrial societies, going to these karaoke outlets is one of their ways to cope with excessive spare time after retirement. Activities at these karaoke outlets allow them to share experiences with a cohort of similar age and get them connected to their bygone time through “Lukkrung” songs, a popular musical genre among Thailand urban population during the 1950s-1970s. Finally, I suggest that their uses of digital devices in karaoke routines have contributed to transform such a leisure activity to a form of “serious leisure”.



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