Thai - German Marriages: Reciprocal compensatory exchange and interdependence


  • พัทยา เรือนแก้ว independent researcher


Thai-German marriage, transnational marriage, reciprocal compensatory exchange, interdependence


This article presents an overview of Thai-German marriage, focusing on socio-economic backgrounds and motives for marriages between Thai women and German men. The discussion draws on data and findings from three of the author’s previous field researches which span over the past three decades: in 1989, 1995-1997, and 2008-2009. The common stereotypes of Thai-German couples are often associated with the contexts of their first encounters, their brief premarital relationship, and particularly their contrasting marriage motives. However, reconsidering the author’s empirical study within the frameworks of reciprocal compensatory exchange and interdependence theories, the article illustrates how their marriage decisions exemplify the processes of reciprocal compensatory exchange driven by their disparate anticipations of marriage lives. In many cases, such anticipations have developed into forms of interdependence between the spouses, and have consequently formed a basis of enduring marriages among the Thai-German couples.


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