Perception in Strategic Leadership of The Commissioned Officers of The Royal Thai Air Force Air War College Class 53

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ณัฐดนัย สุขสว่าง


This research is mixed method research and its objective is 1) to study level of subject description perception for building strategic leadership and level of operating capacity showing strategic leadership, 2) to conduct comparative study on level of subject description perception for building strategic leadership under classification of personal factors and to conduct comparative study on level of the strategic leadership capacity under classification of level of subject description perception. The population group is 70 commissioned officers of Air War College, Class No. 53. The research instrument is rating scale questionnaire. SPSS research package is applied for data analysis. The finding of the research result indicated that: 1) the commissioned officers of War Air College, Class No. 53, had high level of subject description perception for building strategic leadership in overview and individual aspect (μ = 4.12, σ = 0.41) 2), and had high level of operating capacity showing strategic leadership in overview (μ = 4.15, σ = 0.43) 3). The different personal factors consisting of sex, age, educational level, military service/operating duration, and different affiliation/agency had no influence on level of subject description perception for building strategic leadership of the commissioned officers of War Air College, Class No. 53, 4) the factors for level of subject description perception were positively related in high level with strategic leadership at statistical significance level of 0.01. Both elements of the factors for level of subject description perception could jointly predict capacity of strategic leadership of the commissioned officers of War Air College, Class No. 53 for 70.4% in high level of relationship.

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How to Cite
สุขสว่าง ณ. (2019). Perception in Strategic Leadership of The Commissioned Officers of The Royal Thai Air Force Air War College Class 53. NKRAFA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7, 102–111. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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