02 Factors affecting the deciding on transport modes


  • นารถสิรินธร์ เนติฤทธิ์ คณะพาณิชยนาวีนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ วิทยาเขตศรีราชา ชลบุรี


Factors affecting the deciding; Choice of transportation mode


In the world of business nowadays, a number of activities have been exercised in the
supply chain which contributes to growth of economics and global trade; transportation is a
key part that connects the business practices from one place to another. This brings about
the interests of studying the factors influencing on modes of transport decision making.
The following factors has been revealed; 1) the matter of the vehicle in the transportation
in regard of the products and type of vehicle appropriateness and its capability
2) the variety of the product and its value which affects the mode of transportation
concerning the damage protection 3) the expedition of the carrier which serves the expected
product delivery timing in modes of transportation 4) costs incurred during transportation
handling which will add up the price and 5) the satisfaction of the customer in the service
provided. The above-mentioned factors influence the decision making of transportation which
results in the efficiency of logistic performance of a business.



