A study of health information referral system for cerebrovascular accident patients: A case study of Khaochaison Hospital


  • นัยนา หมันเทศ, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • กุลทัต หงส์ชยางกูร, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์


Health information referral system


The aim of this descriptive research was to investigate the situations and health information referral systems for cerebrovascular accident patients for continuous care.  Informants were personnel involved in referral and care information systems from three levels of healthcare services units. Data were collected through documentary research, interviews and focus group discussions.

The study found that referral information from Sub-district Health Promotion Hospitals (SHPHs) to Khaochaison Hospital was on general referral forms without electronic records; from Khaochaison Hospital to Phatthalung Hospital, it was sent electronically, on paper and telephone.  The information sent back from Phattalung Hospital to Khaochaison Hospital for inpatients, a copy of continuous care record form was uploaded on the website, but for outpatients, the patient’s relative carried the form back without records in the electronic database;   from Khaochaison Hospital to the SHPHs, a Line group was used. Information quality and completeness was found to depend on three factors: personnel, the environment, and the systems and mechanisms. 

The referral information system should have the forms and programs that are shared by all levels, the policy, guidelines, and working groups well-defined, manpower and workload reviewed, and communication technology improved.


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