ศึกษาสภาพและปัญหาการจัดการเรียนการสอนรายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลายของโรงเรียนเอกชนสอนศาสนาอิสลามใน 3 จังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้


  • ปรัชญา บินหมัดหนี, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี
  • โสรัตน์ อับดุลสตา, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี
  • ซัรฟุดดีน หะยี, 6852279 สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาปัตตานี เขต 2


The problem, condition, English teaching and learning, the Islamic- private schools


The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate the problem condition in English teaching and learning in the Islamic- private schools in three southern border provinces of Thailand and 2) to find the solution in English teaching and learning in the Islamic- private schools in three southern border provinces of Thailand. The sampling of this research which was selected by purposive random sampling was the 954 upper secondary English students, administrators, and English teachers. The instruments used were questionnaires, the teaching observation and evaluation, and the in – depth interview which were examined by the experts with the reliability value of 0.83 and 0.75 in order. The statistics were the means and standard deviations. The research revealed that the least problem was teacher’s personality with the mean 2.50 and the least treatment was the Instruction media with the mean 3.28. Curriculum, particularly, the content which was not related and corresponded with students’ aptitude was the most serious problem. As a whole the teachers’ behavior was in the level of “Good” with the mean 3.06; however, the least was the integration of ethics and morality with the mean 2.09. The guided solution was the curriculum development which corresponds with the contexts and related to the need and the desire of students.


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