Food Security and Management of Nutritional Program for Children under Five Years on Post Volcano Eruptions in Indonesia


  • Sadar Ginting
  • Nithra Kitreerawutiwong
  • Sunsanee Mekrungrongwong


Food security, nutritional program, children under five, volcano eruption


One of the most significant problems in the world is the lack of food security, therefore, food security is addressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This term of food security has several components of 1) food availability, 2) food access, and 3) utilization. Moreover, in the crisis situation of disaster for the vulnerable group especially of children less than five years, who is in the cognitive development stage will be most affected by poor health and nutrition from disastes. Indonesia lies between three continually moving plates of the Earth, the Indo-Australian plate, the Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate which causes the Indonesian territory to be very risky towards volcanic eruptions. The management of volcano eruption involves pre eruption, during eruption and post eruption. This article addresses moving on post eruption due to this phase is the recovery stage for improving health. Post volcano eruptions in Indonesia had been giving such destructive impact towards food security, especially for children under five since they are the most vulnerable groups affected by its emergency situation. This article aims to revisit the concept of food security, volcanic eruptions in Indonesia, management of nutrition program on volcanic eruptions in Indonesia, significance of food and nutrition among children under five, and offering further suggestions on nutrition program of children under five years on post volcano eruption in order to respond to the need of the children under five in affected areas.


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How to Cite

Ginting, S., Kitreerawutiwong, N., & Mekrungrongwong, S. (2019). Food Security and Management of Nutritional Program for Children under Five Years on Post Volcano Eruptions in Indonesia. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 13(1), 11–22. Retrieved from