The Knowledge Management of Phuthaiphilosophers in Herbal Treatment in Nong Phue, Khoawong District, Kalasin

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อัจฉรา สุมังเกษตร
ชัยวัฒน์ นันทศรี


This research is, which aims to study and manage a Phuthai philosophers’ knowledge of herbal treatment. Participatory action research (PAR) is an approach of this research. This research is qualitative research.  The sample group was the 17 Phuthai philosophers who lived in Nong Phue, Khoawong district, Kalasin and selected by using Non-probability
sampling with specific selection technique. Research tools used structured interview and group meeting. The data analysis by percentage and descriptive analysis.The results showed that the knowledge of herbal treatment was classified into 10 diseases. The treatment process used the community’s faith and rite. There are 3 categories of treatment: using only
herbs, using incantation and herbs, and using only incantation. There were 41 types of herbs used for the treatment. The knowledge of herbal treatment used in all households was 1) Hemorrhage and Internal bruise by roasting therapy: the head of Cassumunar, Thai croton leaf, Ngai Camphor leaf and dried dog’s excrement were burned. 2) Headache is
treated by using the head of Cassumunar boiled with in a flat pan and then leave it under the bed or drink.They believe that the herbs are must harvested on the schedule by incantation.Herbs are used in ways such as medicinal pot or decoction, infusion, vanishing cream, bolus and compress. 

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Author Biographies

อัจฉรา สุมังเกษตร, Lecturer in Faculty of Arts and Science, Kalasin University e-mail: [email protected]

Lecturer in Faculty of Arts and Science, Kalasin University e-mail: [email protected]

ชัยวัฒน์ นันทศรี, Lecturer in Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University e-mail: [email protected]

Lecturer in Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University e-mail: [email protected]


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