The Study of Economic Value of Herbs in Songpluey and Namon Sub-District, Namon District, Kalasin Province

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อรัญญา นนทราช


The study of Economic value of Herbs in Songpluey and Namon Sub District, Namon District, Kalasin Province aimed 1) to study the herb demand of Songpluey Health Promoting Hospital and Namon Hospital 2) to study the type, quantity and sales value of herbs from two communities. Questionnaires were used for collecting 1) the data of yearly herb demand from the head of Thai Traditional medicine of both hospitals and  2) the data of type, quantity and sale value from all 13 villagerswho sale herbs to both hospitals. Data collection was during January to March 2016. The type, quantity and purchase value of herbs from two hospitals were analyzed according to the type, quantity and sales value of herbs from two communities. The results showed that Phai, Turmeric and lemon grass were mostly used in both hospitals for medical compress production, their total amount were more than 5,000 kilograms and annual purchase value was 94,000 Bath. Herbs products from 13 villagers from two communities were Phai, Turmeric, lemon grass, Tamarind leaves, Kariyat, ginger, galangal and Laurel clockvine, their total amount were 1,555 kilograms and sales value was 25,850 Bath. However, herbs demand of both hospitals were higher than the supply from two communities especially Phai, Turmeric and lemon grass. Therefor herbs productionshould be promotedin the communities to supply for Thai traditional medicine in local hospitals and to enhance the income of the communities.

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อรัญญา นนทราช, Lecturer at Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kalasin University

Lecturer at Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kalasin University


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