Reinforcement of the Administration Effectiveness of Sangha Chancellors Governing the Buddhist Priests in Regitgon 11

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พระใบฎีกาศราวุฒิ หงษ์คา
ภักดี โพธิ์สิงห์
เสาวลักษณ์ โกศลกิตติอัมพร


This research aims to 1) Study of problems and needs to for reinforcing the administration effectiveness of the Sangha Chancellors governing the Buddhist priests Region 11; 2) Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. to for reinforcing the administration effectiveness of the Sangha Chancellors governing the Buddhist priests Region 11; and 3) to propose new approaches for the reinforcement of the administration effectiveness of the Sangha Chancellors governing the Buddhist priests Region 11. The methods used in this research are integrated Between qualitative research by documentary study In-depth interviews of 16 experts / people and Focus group discussion with 14 experts/persons and quantitative research. Which collects data from the questionnaire Sample 367 samples. The findings from the study were that: 1) The top-down management, lack of planning, lack of knowledgeable competent personnel. The Sangha must have to be fair. generous to the monks Cultivate faith with doctrine. The overall level was moderate. 2) The strong points current administration is that the systematic responsibilities the weakness is the management of the reception and Lack of Potential. Opportunity is to get cooperation from the public and private sectors. And the threat is the change of political, economic, social and technological systems. 3) The Sangha must be a visionary. Have a good attitude byworking as a team. Build relationships with the community Have a clear plan. Promote personnel to study visit. Control the work with transparency by applying evident with the applicable Dhamma principles.

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Author Biographies

พระใบฎีกาศราวุฒิ หงษ์คา, Doctoral Student Public Administration Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration. Tel. +66857752743 E-mail : [email protected], Mahasarakham Rajabhat University

Doctoral Student Public Administration Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration.
Tel. +66857752743 E-mail : [email protected], Mahasarakham Rajabhat University

ภักดี โพธิ์สิงห์, Associate Professor, Lecturer in Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University

Associate Professor, Lecturer in Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Mahasarakham
Rajabhat University

เสาวลักษณ์ โกศลกิตติอัมพร, Associate Professor, Lecturer in Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University

Associate Professor, Lecturer in Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Mahasarakham
Rajabhat University


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