Measurement of Promotion for Relationship between Women Prisoners and Children of Woman Correctional Institution

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ศิรินทร์ อินทรวิชะ
จินตนา ตันสุวรรณนนท์
อาภาศิริ สุวรรณานนท์


          The research on measurement of promoting relationship between women prisoners and children of Woman Correctional Institution aimed to find out the effective measurement of promotion for relationship between women prisoners and children of Woman Correctional Institution. The research methodology was mixed methods which were consisted of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method was an in-depth interview by using the interview schedule with key informants. For the quantitative method, there was a questionnaire as the tool for collecting data. The samples were women prisoners and prison officers from 4 Woman Correctional Institutions.

          The research found that the effective on measurement of promotion for relationship between women prisoners and children of Woman Correctional Institution were the "APP Model". The "APP Model" consists of 1) “Good Attitude” of prison officers is to respect human rights, including women’s rights and the rights of the child, 2) “Good Policy” is to use alternative justice by diversion process, to supply the resources, to have available infrastructure, to participate with the community, to communicate with other persons, and to have aftercare programs, and 3) “Good Practice” takes into account the duration of the relationship between women prisoners and children and the measurement of promotion for relationship between women prisoners and children.

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