Development of Police Bureau of an Economic Crime Suppression for High Performance Organization

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รังสรรค์ ตรงฉาก
ฐนันดร์ศักดิ์ บวรนันทกุล


The objectives of this study were to delineate Police Bureau of an Economic Crime Suppression for High Performance Organization as well as factors that effect on such platform and developmental approach such bureau. Three hundred and eighty four police officers who worked in the Police Bureau of an Economic Crime Suppression were sampled. The data was collected by questionnaire and analysis through ANOVA.

The results can be summarized as follows: 1. In terms of personal background, most of the participants were sergeant male police with aged 31-40 years, married, had a Bachelor’s Degree and had worked in their organizations more than 9 years. They are taking care of the money for their family members. The income level ranged more than 20,001 Baht per month. Apart from this, as for the performance factors, they also agreed with the democratic leader and good organizational communication. 2. As far as high performance organization viewpoint is concerned, most of the sample police officers expressed at high level of opinion on leadership and strategic planning, outcome performance, the client and stakeholder services, human resources development and management respectively. Be that as it may, they expressed at the lowest level of their opinion on knowledge measure analysis and management. 3. Factors related with developing Police Bureau of an Economic Crime Suppression for High Performance Organization depending on age, monthly income, and work time period, leadership and communication aspects in the organization.

Recommendations from this study are that there is a need to review the annual performance, integrating strategic scheme with the missions and survey for satisfaction of the client, provide the person career path obviously and upgrades innovation to work process. Similarly, comparative studies that looked at other police units and police stations in urban areas and in other police units including the qualitative approach would also be useful.

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