Participation for Preparing to ASEAN Economic Community among Police Officers under the Royal Police Cadet Academy

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มนต์พิพัฒน์ เอี่ยมจรัส


The purpose of this research is to study the level of participation in preparing to enter the ASEAN community. Study the relationship of personal factors and the readiness factors of persons who are related to participation in preparing to enter the ASEAN community of Police Officers under the Royal Police Cadet Academy. By specifying a sample of 314 people. The tools used for collecting data are questionnaires. The statistics used in data analysis are mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
In terms of research results data analysis with descriptive statistics showed that opinions on acceptance of change with the highest average, followed by performance and perception, respectively, for data analysis with inferential statistics when analyzing Pearson’s correlation coefficient, it was found that the performance factors perception factor and factors for accepting change have the most relationship with participation in the use of technology.
Benefits from this research will make them aware of the level of participation in preparation for the ASEAN Community of Police Officers under the Royal Police Cadet Academy and will know the guidelines for development and promotion in the preparation of Police Officers under the Royal Police Cadet Academy to achieve better performance in the operation.

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