Science Education Reform on The Basic Education Level

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เตชาเมธ เพียรชนะ
ดร.ศิริรัตน์ ศรีสอาด
รศ.ดร.นาตยา ปิลันธนานนท์


The objective is to develop and evaluate the model of Science Education Reform on the Basic Education Level by analyzing data to develop and evaluate the model. The study indicates that 1) Thailand’s education has definite objectives but fails to have regulatory agencies. Distribution of power is evident but genuine empowerment is still absent. The curriculum standards are not supportive for learning. Unlike Thailand, other foreign countries possess definite objectives. The curriculum standards are supportive for learning. 2) In terms of developing ways to reform, it is recommended to have a group of strategic committee. There are three following models. 3) In terms of assessing the model 3 is the most suitable. Science curriculum should be designed based on standard that combines between Concept and Performance Standards. The IPST should be responsible for such missions. The NIETS is in charge of organizing the national test for the Higher Standards. The OBEC is responsible for the evaluation and assessment procedure as standard base.

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How to Cite
เพียรชนะ เ., ศรีสอาด ด., & ปิลันธนานนท์ ร. (2018). Science Education Reform on The Basic Education Level. Rajapark Journal, 12(25), 66–81. Retrieved from
Research Article


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