The Expectation Marketing Communication Strategies Brand Image Educational values and the Perception of Brand Equity of Universities in Eastern Region

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ปริยา รินรัตนากร



          The objectives of this research were to study the expectation, marketing communication strategy, brand image, educational value, and brand equity perception of universities in the Eastern region. The researcher used the qualitative method by conducting in-depth interview on forty participations and used quantitative method by collecting one thousand and fifty questionnaires. The findings indicated that the respondents’ expectation toward universities in the Eastern region was overall at the high level. The respondents’ perception about marketing communication strategy of universities in the Eastern region was overall at moderate level.

          The respondents’ opinion on brand image toward universities in the Eastern region was overall at the high level. The respondents had a high level of the overall educational values. The

respondents had a moderate level of the overall brand equity perception toward universities in the Eastern region. The expectation, marketing communication strategy, and brand image affected the brand equity perception of universities in the Eastern region. The educational values of participations in the Eastern region had the relationship with brand equity of universities in the Eastern region.

 Keywords: , , , brand value

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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