Vehicle Tracking System Business Organization Development Model for Enhancing the Competitiveness

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ชาญ ลายลักษณ์
ธีทัต ตรีศิริโชติ


        This research aims to create a business organization development model ofvehicle tracking system to increase competitiveness. Qualitative research with Delphi techniques from 17 experts was used. The first round was conducted to ask for synthesizing the possible issues, then a questionnaire was created. The second round was conducted to allow the experts to provide feedback on appropriate issues and on the possibility to use in a real setting.  The third round was run for the expert to confirm their provided feedback and to find a consensus by using Median, Inter-quartile rang, and coefficient of dispersion. These statistics led to a summary of the criteria and to implement it with companies via participatory action and AIC creation process for evaluating the pattern of six elements and 30 indicators. The given elements and indicators were used to compare Mean, Feasibility standards, Standard of usefulness, Standard of Suitability, and Comprehensive accuracy standards.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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