การจัดการระบบสารสนเทศเพื่อการบริหารโรงเรียนสังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษาสกลนคร เขต 2

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ดนัย ศรีวงษา


This purposes of this study were to the problems and needs of information system for school administration. Analysis of school administration information system. And to find a way to manage information systems for school administration. The sample consisted of personnel involved in the administration of the school. The instruments used were questionnaires, interview forms and group meetings.

The findings were as follows

  1. All schools use information management system for school administration. The Office of the Basic Education Commission (ECDC) has developed an electronic document submission system (AMSS ++) that is used every day. Secondary School Data Collection (DMC), which is used to store student's basic information. The following are the EMIS, BOBEC and SchoolMIS systems.

  2. The problem of using information system for school administration is lack of person responsible for information system. School assigns teachers to take responsibility for the system. Lack of tools for data storage and processing of quality data. Teachers lack the skills to use information systems and And dissemination of information, lack of budget for the preparation and dissemination of information.

  3. The need for the school administration information system. The school needs personnel directly responsible for the information system. Tools for data storage and processing are qualitative and sufficient. Training in the use of the system regularly.

  4. Management Information System for School Management System under the Office of Sakon Nakhon Primary Education Area 2 is to: 1) Organize the personnel responsible for the information system; 2) Provide the tools for the storage and processing of the qualitative information. Provide regular training for personnel responsible for the school's information system; and 4) Provide budget for dissemination and information. These provide enough information.

Keywords:Management of Information Systems and Information Systems for School Management

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