สภาพและปัญหาการดำเนินงานวิชาการของโรงเรียนสังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษาหนองบัวลำภู เขต 2

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นลพรรณ ภูวงษ์



            The objectives of the research were to study the conditions and problems of the academic administration of schools under Nong Bua Lamphu Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, and to compare the conditions and problems of the academic administration of schools under Nong Bua Lamphu Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, classified by positions, educational levels, work experiences and school sizes. The samples of the research were totally 280 persons of 35 school administrators and 245 teachers, selected by Krejcie and Morgan’s table. The instrument of the research used to collect data was the rating-scale questionnaire with the entire validity of 0.981. The statistics used to analyze the data were comprised of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The t-test for independent samples and the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) by using F-test. In case paired differences were found, the Scheffé’s method was utilized.

            The research findings were found as follows:

  1. 1. The conditions of the academic administration of schools under Nong Bua Lamphu Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 were found to be overall a high level ( = 4.02), and considered in each aspect, they were found to be at a high level. The problems of the academic administration of those schools were found to be overall and in each aspect at a moderate level (  = 93), and considered in each aspect, they were found to be at a moderate level.

  2. 2. The comparison of those schools’ academic administration conditions, classified by the respondents’ administrative positions, was found not to be overall different and in each aspect. In addition, the comparison of those schools’ academic administration problems, classified by the respondents’ administrative positions, was found not to be overall different. Considered in each aspect, the development of internal quality assurance system was found to be different at a statistically significant level of .05.

  3. 3. The comparison of those schools’ academic administration conditions, classified by the respondents’ educational levels, was found to be overall different at a statistically significant level of . Considered in each aspect, there were three aspects: research and development of education quality, the development of internal quality assurance system, and the academic promotion to the community, which were found to be different at a statistically significant level of .01, and the development of learning resources was found to be different at a statistically significant level of .05. The comparison of those schools’ academic administration problems, classified by the respondents’ educational levels, was found not to be overall different and in each aspect.

  4. 4. The comparison of the conditions of the academic administration of those schools, classified by the respondents’ work experiences, was found to be overall different at a statistically significant level of .01. Considered in each aspect, there were seven aspects: learning process development, evaluation and credit transfer, the research for educational quality development, the development of educational media, innovation and technology, the development of learning resources, educational guidance, and cooperation on academic development with other academic institutions, which were found to be different at a statistically significant level of .01, and there were three aspects: school curriculum development, the educational supervision, and the academic promotion to the community, which were found to be different at a statistically significant level of .05. There were two aspects: the development of internal quality assurance system, and academic support and promotion to individuals, families, organizations, agencies and institutions, which were found not to be different. The comparison of those schools’ academic administration problems, classified by the respondents’ work experiences, was found not to be overall different. Considered in each aspect, there were two aspects: the development of internal quality assurance system, and the cooperation of academic development with other institutions, which were found to be different at a statistically significant level of .05.

  5. 5. The comparison of those schools’ academic administration conditions, classified by the respondents’ school sizes, was found to be overall and in each aspect different at a statistically significant level of .01. The comparison of those schools’ academic administration problems, classified by the respondents’ school sizes, was found to be overall different at a statistically significant level of .01. Considered in each aspect, there were eight aspects: school curriculum development, learning process development, evaluation and credit transfer, the research for educational quality development, the development of educational media, innovation and technology, the development of learning resources, the educational supervision, the educational guidance, and cooperation on academic development with other academic institutions, which were found to be different at a statistically significant level of .01. In addition, there were two aspects: the academic promotion to the community, and the cooperation of academic development with other institutions, which were found to be different at a statistically significant level of .05, and there were two aspects: the development of internal quality assurance system and the academic support and promotion to individuals, families, organizations, agencies and institutions, which were found not to be different.

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