The Development of Notaries in Real Estate Registration in Thailand

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Divaree Franssen


Real estate disputes are one of the most common type of arguments in Thailand for decades and this is because the real estate administration is inefficiency. In particular, there is a failure in Thai real estate registration and land titling, so the title deeds are unreliable and cause insecurity in the real estate business. Therefore, this thesis look into the causes and the consequences of the current real estate registration process in Thailand. Then, the thesis study on the intermediary that the four foreign countries, namely France, Germany, the United Kingdom (England and Wales) and the United States of America, used in their real estate registration for preventing real estate disputes. The intermediary used in the civil-law countries and the common-law countries are quite distinct, so the thesis will compare the intermediary in civil-law countries and common-law countries in order to suggest the best solutions for solving the real estate situation in Thailand.


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