The Development of Telecommunication Network Verification System

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เพ็ญสุภา โกญจนะบุญ
สมชาย นำประเสริฐชัย


This research will be applied by examining the fiber core that is available and is in the network solution in the East of Thailand with the purpose of diminishing the time and unnecessarily process of the work. The procedure of the verification system will be developed in a form of application by using the Visual Basic.NET together with the Relational Database Management System of MySQL. And connect to API integration with Google maps so as to find the nearest station possible for consumers by applying an algorithm called ‘Dijkstra’ to find the shortest distance. By applying the system, it is found that the use of this verification system will help shorten the time of the work by 73.25 percent due to the decrease in the process compared to the original way of working. Furthermore, the development of the information system also helped the assessment of network verification becomes uncomplicated


which is beneficial to employees in the Sales department who lack knowledge in this area to be able to implement this system efficiently and effectively.

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Research Article


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