The Effect of Dynamic Competitive Advantage and Business Partnership Strategy on SMEs Success in Chainat Province: The Case of Accommodation and Restaurants Business

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ธีรโชติ สัตตาคม
ศศิกานต์ จรณะกรัณย์
กรธวัฒน์ สกลคฤหเดช


This research aims to investigate the influence of the Dynamic Competitive Advantage and Business Partnership Strategy that influence SMEs Success in the food processing industry in Thailand. Research model is quantitative research and collecting data from surveys of entrepreneurs in accommodation and restaurant business from 148 companies. The data were analyzed by structural equation model (SEM), the study founded that the Dynamic Competitive Advantage has a direct effect positively to the SMEs Success. Therefore, which business firms need to improve their business success opportunity, they should give precedence to improve their dynamic competitive advantage of their firm. In additional business partnership strategy has a direct effect positively to the SMEs Success.

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