Consumer Evaluations of Co-Branding: Analyzing the Relationship of Brand Image Consistency, Brand Personality Similarity, Brand Extension Authenticity, and the Congruency between For-profit and Non-profit Parent Brand

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Damrong Sattayawaksakul
Joseph A. Cote
Leela Tiangsoongnern


        Co-branding strategy is implemented in attempting to transfer the positive associations of parent brands to a newly formed co-brand. Previous studies find fit between parent brands serves as important drivers of a co-brand success. Despite its importance, most studies have treated brand fit from a general perspective rather than certain components that create fit. This study suggests that a broader range of brand attributes should also be considered. Therefore, there are two main objectives for this study: to examine how the fundamental components of brand image consistency, brand personality similarity, and brand extension authenticity interact between parent brands, and contribute to the perceived brand fit both individually and simultaneously; to examine co-branding between the non-profit and the for-profit parent brands. A 34 scale item of instrument was developed to be used in the study.  The participants were 453 workers in Bangkok. Multiple Regression Analysis and Dominance Analysis were used to examine the relationship. The results showed that each of the brand image consistency, brand personality similarity, and brand extension authenticity have a unique and significant affecting on perceived brand fit. Brand extension authenticity is the most important determinant of perceived brand fit. The study also presents theoretical and practical contributions.

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