The Behaviors of Third-Year to Fifth-Year Medical Students using the Flyover in front of the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital

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Sumittra Muangkhoua
Krittika Khotthong
Jatepat Pornpattrarat
Nattraporn Pipattanasub
Rattanin Thitiwatsophon
Bhattara Ronyut
Sarin Wirojananuwat


Objective: To study the behaviors and factors affecting the decision to use the flyover in front of the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, of third-year to fifth-year medical students.

Methods: The study design was cross-sectional study. The data were collected by questionnaires and direct observation of students’ behaviors using flyover road crossing. The samples was third-year to fifth-year medical students, Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University, in year 2016. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range and the chisquared test to analyze factors associated with behaviors of using flyover road crossing, Pvalue less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: There were overall 184 medical students responsing to the questionnaires. More students rarely used the flyover (less than 6 times a week) than those frequently used the flyover (more than or equal 6 times a week) (124 (67.40%) and 60 (32.60%), respectively). Gender was the only factor associated with behaviors of frequently using flyover road crossing (P = 0.009). Factors affecting decision to use the flyover are other factors such as to hurry, lose time, position factors, safety factors, physical factors, health factors and legal enforcement and perception, respectively. From observing behaviors of using flyover road crossing 209 cases found that the medical students using the flyover more than without the flyover; 184 (88%) and 25 (12%), respectively.

Conclusion: The number of third-year to fifth-year medical students of the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital that rarely used the flyover (less than 6 times a week) was more than those frequently used the flyover (more than or equal to 6 times a week). Other factors, such as haste, location factors and safety factors have most effect on making decisions to use the flyover. These findings should be used to promote using flyover road crossing in front of the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital.

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How to Cite
Muangkhoua, S., Khotthong, K., Pornpattrarat, J., Pipattanasub, N., Thitiwatsophon, R., Ronyut, B., & Wirojananuwat, S. (2017). The Behaviors of Third-Year to Fifth-Year Medical Students using the Flyover in front of the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital. Vajira Medical Journal : Journal of Urban Medicine, 61(3), 191–206. Retrieved from
Original Articles


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