พฤติกรรมการแสวงหาสารสนเทศของนักวิจัยโครงการศึกษาวิจัยและพัฒนาสิ่งแวดล้อมแหลมผักเบี้ย อันเนื่องมาจากพระราชดำริ

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กนิษฐา บุญประคอง
กฤติยาณี เหล่าสายเชื้อ
วราพรรณ อภิศุภะโชค
ศิริพร เลิศไพศาลวงศ์


This study aims to 1) investigate the information seeking behaviors of the researchers of the Laem-phak-bia environmental research and development project under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the Late King and 2) examine the problems of seeking for the information of the researchers of the Laem-phak-bia environmental research and development project under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the Late King by using the information search process developed by Ellis. The data was collected by an in-depth interview with the 10 environmental researchers.
The results of the study revealed that 1) the information seeking behaviors of the researchers are that the researchers started with searching for work-related information and they extended what they found to the new knowledge. By doing so, they chained the information among the references they had searched from various library information sources, search engines, and experts in the field. They assessed the creditability of the authors and the relatedness of the information toward their research topics. They kept themselves updated with the environmental innovation through new textbooks, journals, and magazines. When they found the information they needed, they stored it in a digital-file format. They checked the information accuracy of those pieces of information before using them in their related research and before using them in writing their research. Also, the study revealed that 2) the problems of searching for the information of the researchers were caused by many factors. For instance, The electronic information was redundant, The sources of the information could not be traced, The researchers could not download a full paper. In addition, it was inconvenient for the researchers to go to the library for the information search due to the limited time.

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Research Articles


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