Study and Development of Integrated supplies and Equipment for Public Relations on Decreasing ratio of HIV infection.

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ปิยะกานต์ สุดแสน
ทรงวุฒิ เอกวุฒิวงศา


         This research project has several purposes: 1) To study the public relations on decreasing ratio of HIV infection. 2) To development the equipment and Media for the public relations on decreasing ratio of HIV infection. 3) To estimate and analyze the level of interest of providers and users on decreasing ratio of HIV infection. 4) To estimate and analyze the level of performance the equipment and Media for the public relations on decreasing ratio of HIV infection. The researcher studied theoretical information, related concepts and interviews with experts and providers of decreasing ratio of HIV infection to analyze the issues and requirements. Development design based on the results of the issues and requirements with the principle of product design. Then, the result has been the development of the theory of the distribution function of quality (Quality Function Deployment) and distribution function analysis of product design. (Reverse engineering), so design professionals can monitor, evaluate product of three development model to create the equipment and Media for the public relations on decreasing ratio of HIV infection. The prototype has been produced to assess the rating of the satisfaction of providers and users on decreasing ratio of HIV infection. And estimate and analyze the level of performance the equipment and Media for the public relations on decreasing ratio of HIV infection from public relations expert on decreasing ratio of HIV infection.

        The results showed that 1) Public relations on decreasing ratio of HIV infection. The equipment exhibition not responsive to usage in a variety of area. As a result the publicity not interesting. Can’t motivated to visitors. 2) The results of the evaluation of the design and manufacturing experts found that the second sketch design the model can be disassembled all parts. It is very appropriate, (X̅ = 3.78, S.D = 0.39) 3) The results of the satisfaction assessment of providers and users. The highest level of satisfaction was found in the design (X̅ = 4.70, S.D = 0.33) and the reduction in HIV infection rate very good (X̅ = 4.53, S.D = 0.46). 4) The results of the performance evaluation was very good (X̅ = 4.53, S.D = 0.46).

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