Development and Design of Women’s Workwear Made from the Pha Sin Tin Jok of Lao Khrang in Borkru Villages, Suphanburi Province

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ชาติรส การะเวก
สรัลดา พูลสมบัติ
วชิระ เหมทอง


There were three main objectives of this research: (1) to study the forms and weaving patterns of the Pha Sin Tin Jok of Lao Khrang in Borkru Villages, Suphanburi province, (2) to design and develop women’s workwear using the Pha Sin Tin Jok of Lao Khrang in Borkru Villages, Suphanburi province, and (3) to study levels of satisfaction with the design and development of such women’s workwear. An online survey of 100 women in employment was conducted using an accidental sampling method. For data analysis and descriptive statistics, chi-square and MANOVA were employed. The research found that the Pha Sin Tin Jok in Borkru Villages is a unique ancient pattern which consists of 10 master patterns: Rakang, Dokkeaw, Dokjun, Poo, Kho, Pekbang, Makhuea, Phesuea, Khokueh, and Tem. The results can be divided into three parts as follows: 1) four jackets from the 12 designs of women’s workwear were selected by four senior designers of Dapper General Apparel Co., Ltd. and 2) the level of satisfaction with the second jacket design was the highest (=4.66), which indicated that it is suitable for further prototype development. There were significant differences between the three demographic groups surveyed, regarding intention to buy, buying, frequency of usage, and spending (p < 0.05).  Office women and freelance workers were more satisfied with the four pieces of developed workwear than government officers, at a 0.05 level of statistical significance. were selected by four senior designers of Dapper
General Apparel Co., Ltd. and 3) the level of satisfaction with the second jacket design was the highest (=4.66), which indicated that it is suitable for further prototype development. There were significant differences between the three demographic groups surveyed, regarding intention to buy, buying, frequency of usage, and spending (p < 0.05). Office women and freelance workers were more satisfied with the four pieces of developed workwear than government officers, at a 0.05 level of statistical significance.

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