The Study of the Characteristics of Post-Earthquake Housing Modification and Repair: The Case Study of Ban Sai Khao Sub-district, Phan District, Chiang Rai Province

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พิไลพร นุ่นมา


The objective of this study is to investigate and collect the physical characteristics of the residences after the earthquake disaster in Chiang Rai province. By focusing on the modifying and activities affected residences due to the co-learning process of local technicians and related agencies. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Chiang Rai on May 5, 2014, had adversely impact and was centered at Mae Lao District, Chiang Rai. There were many co-organization for restoration houses and sharing knowledge to local. It leads to a vital significant to create a conceptual framework for the rehabilitation of housing in order to responding the earthquake disaster that is likely to happen in the future. This study uses a field study to collect data from Ban Sai Khao Sub-district, Phan District, Chiang Rai Province. The data was collected from local houses with a structured interview. The results of this study showed that for affected houses under a limited budget, some people chose to modify their house with local technicians. House modification was based on level of damage as follows:
1) structural damage such as broken pillars and beams were repaired by local technicians through drilling to insert steels, founding pillars or removing and moving existing position for nearby reconstruction, 2) damage to floor, wall, and roof materials were repaired by homeowners with local technicians by filling and plastering or replacing new materials such as roofing sheets, 3) damage to the entire building with irreparable condition was solved by maintaining the existing physical characteristics and materials but adopting safer materials and structures.

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