The Design and Development of Local Product for Disability Group (Banjen) Phukamyao District, Phayao Province

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นคเรศ ชัยแก้ว
นครินทร์ ชัยแก้ว
ฟองศรี งานหมั่น


          This study is a qualitative study by using Participatory Action Research (PAR) to observe, in-depth interview, organize seminar, and create the co-learning of research group, local product design and development expert, and the target group which is 19 members of Disability Group (Banjen) Phukamyao District. The objectives of this study are to design and develop the prototype of local product Disability Group (Banjen) according to the production potential of disabled and disadvantaged including the market demand. The prototype of developed product will be evaluated by opinion of people, tourists, and shops where sell Phayao local products in terms of Practical Function and Aesthetic Function for 100 people to use the information to improve and develop products including conclusion and research description. From the analysis of problems, demand, and potential of the group in the development of local products, members of Disability Group (Banjen) Phukamyao District have the cooperation in the operation, sacrifice for the group and committed under the co-learning of local product development guideline to be certified by the local product standard. From the local product development guideline, members in the group have to have the knowledge and understand the local product design and development processes including the development of products to be certified by local product standard by local product design and development experts and related organizations. From the samples’ opinion evaluation to the prototype by using mean and standard deviation, the prototype lamp product from banana fiber is highly appropriate (x=4.47).

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