The study of Ban Chiang Pottery Pattern Stamp for Creative Wickerwork Development ofNong Han Community UdonThani Province

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กนิษฐา เรืองวรรณศักดิ์


This research aims to 1) studying the Ban Chiang pottery pattern stamp for analysis and a new pattern design apply to wickerwork pattern 2) integrating Ban Chiang pottery pattern stamp conduce into the household appliance product design and 3) evaluating the result of design whereas the research methodology by interviewing a design guideline from 4 experts in product design field and evaluating a prototype satisfaction by 300 consumers. The results found Ban Chiang pottery pattern could be classified in 3 patterns; 1) stripes pattern 2) geometric pattern and 3) nature pattern, and the pattern could create a new wickerwork style was a nature pattern, namely; leaf flower (Sacred fig leaf pattern) with the prosperity and the representative of Buddha as well as the buffalo pattern as the animal that conveyed to the abundance as well as being together with farmers The producers could consider about the possibility of production, raw material could be easy find out in local area, product size have been appropriate for distribute at OTOP booth, if there is a large production such as a chair, a lamp and a partition, that would affect for distribute area and shipping, consequently, the decoration items that the most appropriate should be the small items such as the decoration items on dining table. The evaluation result of the bamboo basket (buffalo pattern) could be conclusion that, the beauty and ability convey to the characteristic was a highest level (average 4.75), the table set of Catathea wickerwork (Sacred fig leaf pattern) could be conclusion that the beauty and ability convey to the characteristic was a highest level (average 4.70), the satisfaction of product prototype of home decoration overall was a high level (average 4.29).

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