Government policy on Developing integrated (full-service) entrepreneur, which affects upon the factors in the purchase of used cars. Case study : Customers of the used car tent, namely “ Bass used cars”, located in Bang Khae District, Bangkok


  • เอราวัณ ทับพลี


This research aims to study government policy on developing integrated entrepreneur, which has a great impact on the purchase of used cars and to study the relation between individual factors that also affects upon the purchase of used cars and tactics together with technique of effective persuasive communication of entrepreneurs by choosing the purchase of customers of Bass used cars , located in Bang Khae District, Bangkok. This research finds sample by applying the formula of systematic sampling (Cohen.L., and Manion, L.1989) due to the fact that the size of population cannot be exactly identified. Yet, the number of population per day can be forcasted both walk-in and online customers, which are approximately 100 people per day. The researcher collected sample in form of 10:1 by taking a random sample of 10 customers. One out of ten customer will be collected questionnaire until the number reaches to 100 people, which took ten days to complete it. The result shows that the most of used car customers of Bass Used Cars, located in Bang Khae District, Bangkok, are men aged between 41 and 50 years old, business owners, having graduated a Bachelor’s Degree with income of 100,000 baht per month. More importantly, it can be summed up that the customers share some similarities in their purchasing behaviors. The reason they buy used cars is due to the credibility of the company. A person who has influence upon customer’s purchase is himself and these customers are likely to change cars every six to ten years, their budget on buying used car is between 1,000,001 and 2,000,000 baht. Two-door car and Toyota are their favorite type of cars when they consider used cars. Moreover, the researchers found that the level of decision-making process is high. It can be summarized that there are 4 factors which have great impact on purchasing used cars at Bass used cars are Demand & Supply Management, High value Services, Product efficiency which is known as ‘Smart Farmers’ and management by using digital technology or the so called ‘Comprehensively Digital respectively and these factors range from highest to lowest levels. Regarding the test on the first assumption, it can be concluded that individual factor of Bass used cars customers depend on differences in gender, age, occupation, educational background and monthly income are different in terms of statistical significance.  The second assumption regards government policies on developing full-service entrepreneur which affects upon the factors in the purchase of used cars of customers at Bass used cars , Bang Khae District, Bangkok is that the person affecting purchase of used cars and budget can have a great impact in the decision-making process of buyers at Bass used cars the study also shows that management by digital technology or the so-called ‘comprehensively Digital’ is the least important factor. The company should have billboard and publicize more to enhance convenience for customers who use services at company.


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How to Cite

ทับพลี เ. (2019). Government policy on Developing integrated (full-service) entrepreneur, which affects upon the factors in the purchase of used cars. Case study : Customers of the used car tent, namely “ Bass used cars”, located in Bang Khae District, Bangkok. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 7(1), 76–93. Retrieved from