The Study of Thai Entrepreneurship Level: The Evidence from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

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Suchart Tripopsakul


The purpose of this paper is to study the level of entrepreneurial society in Thailand based on the Global Entrepreneurial Monitor (GEM) research in 2014. The objectives of GEM are to investigate and evaluate the level of entrepreneurial society of GEM country members around the world, and also investigate entrepreneurial attitude, enthusiasm and participation in entrepreneurial activities. This paper represents the result based on the classification and regions. The result of National Expert Survey (NES) shows that three most readiness Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFCs) in Thailand are physical infrastructure, commercial and legal Infrastructure, and cultural and social norms respectively. On the other hand, the least readiness Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFCs) are government policies, research and development transfer, and entrepreneurship education. The result shows that for Adult Population Survey (APS) with 2,059 Thai people involved with entrepreneurial activities, the total early-stage Entrepreneurship Activity (TEA) rate is 23.2%, and the TEA rate of the Northeast region is 26.7% which is the highest rate by the region comparison. In addition, 24.4% of the Thai male adult population and 21.9% of the Thai female adult population could be classified as Early-stage Entrepreneurs, with Thai male TEA slightly higher than female TEA rate

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