The Development of Performance Evaluation Indicators of the Elderly School Prototype in Thailand


  • จารุกัญญา อุดานนท์ Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University


Development of Indicators, Performance Evaluation, Elderly School Prototype


The objectives of this study were to develop an evaluation framework and performance indicators of for the elderly school prototype in Thailand. The authors employed the CIPPES model as a guideline for evaluating the performance by incorporating strengths of CIPP and CIPIEST models based on the context of the elderly school. The concept is then brought to be synthesized in order to get an overview of the main components and related indicators. A conceptual framework was then created and confirmed by using in-depth interviews with six experts. The tools used for collecting were semi-structured interviews.

                The research results were as follows. The main components of the performance evaluation of the elderly school consisted of six dimensions: (1) context dimension (2) import factor dimension (3) process dimension (4) product dimension (5) effectiveness dimension and (6) sustainability dimension. The classification of context dimensions had three main indicators and 15 sub-indicators. The Import Factor dimension had four main indicators, 16 sub-indicators. The Process dimension had three main indicators, 17 sub-indicators. The Product dimension had two main indicators, 9 sub-indicators. The Effectiveness dimension had two main indicators, 10 sub-indicators and the Sustainability dimension had 2 main indicators, 9 sub-indicators. The total number of indicators is 16, including 76 sub-indicators as determined by the performance indicators of the elderly school prototype in Thailand. These indicators will be used as a guideline for management and operation in order to achieve effective results in the elderly school.


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How to Cite

อุดานนท์ จ. (2019). The Development of Performance Evaluation Indicators of the Elderly School Prototype in Thailand. Local Administration Journal, 12(3), 372–397. Retrieved from