Elderly Behavior on Pedestrian Usage and Economic Value of the Pedestrain Space


  • โสมสกาว เพชรานนท์ Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University
  • เอกภัทร ลักษณะคำ Faculty of Economics at Sri Racha, Kasetsart University, Sri Racha Campus
  • วรานันต์ ตันติเวทย์


Behavior on Pedestrian Usage, Elderly, Economic Value


The pedestrian space is a public service that the city should arrange for people to support being a livable city, and friendly to the environment and the elderly. It will support the quality of life of the elderly in going out to do various activities in the city. This research aims to study the behavior of the elderly in the use of pedestrian space and problems encountered, and evaluate the economic value of using the pedestrian space by the elderly in Bangkok based on the contingent valuation method (CVM). The research interviewed 601 elderly representatives in Bangkok in March-May 2017. The results showed that most of them used the main road pedestrian area together with family members regularly in the morning and evening. The average distance of walking was about 700 meters/day. They walked on the pedestrian area to go shopping.  Most felt that the use of pedestrian area was not safe and was not satisfied with the current pedestrian space conditions. The major problem faced when using the pedestrian space was motorcycles being ridden on the pedestrian area. Regarding the value of WTP to obtain the pedestrian space improvement for the elderly in Bangkok, the mean WTP was 160 baht/person/year.  The total economic value or benefits of using the pedestrian space by the elderly in Bangkok was 157 million baht per year. Therefore, policy makers should allocate sufficient funds to improve elderly-friendly pedestrian space and strictly enforcing pedestrian laws in order to maximize the use of the pedestrian space for the elderly.


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How to Cite

เพชรานนท์ โ., ลักษณะคำ เ., & ตันติเวทย์ ว. (2019). Elderly Behavior on Pedestrian Usage and Economic Value of the Pedestrain Space. Local Administration Journal, 12(3), 398–418. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/colakkujournals/article/view/218426