Development of Preferred Attributes in Senior High School Students Using Participatory Organizational Management at a Private Educational Institute : Case of Chiengrai Vidhayakhome School

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ปวรรัตน์ ศรีกัลยา
กิตติศักดิ์ นิวรัตน์
มาฆะ ขิตตะสังคะ


This research paper studies the results attained by the management of a private educationalorganizationusingparticipatorymethodologyforthedevelopmentofattributes
in a group of senior high school students at Chiengrai Vidhayakhome School. The purpose
of this research is to study the potential for success to attain development in students in
students. Depending on results analysis of group success rate, the study may lead to
further training projects developing the behavior of students with the participation with
public organizations. The study provided data for plans of further student attribute
development by private educational organizations.
This research covers a project to develop student potential for preferred attributes
for school students in grades 10, 11 and 12 totaling 103 students. The students did not
attain a passing mark in at least 3 of 8 attributes. The project studied cooperated with the
Chiang Rai Army Training Unit for Military Students as well as the school administration and
the students’ parents or guardians. The evaluation of attribute development was
completed after the students had participated in the project. Analytical methods included
descriptive statistics, mean values, standard deviation and Pearson Product Moment
Correlation. Results are to be used in future school development planning.
The research results for this project demonstrated development in all 8 attributes
for all students after participation. The students achieved good mark level results after the
project on 8 attributes, namely 1) Love of nation, religion and king 2) Honesty 3) Self-discipline 4) Motivation towards studies 5) Suffciency lifestyle 6) Determination in work
7) Love of being Thai 8) Public mindedness.
The analysis of results in development of these 8 attributes followed an important
trend in correlation of .01 statistically for 2 distinct attribute groupings for conformed
behavior towards the attributes. The frst of two attributes groups for behavioral
conformation were public mindedness, determination in work and love of being Thai, all
of which improved in the students in the same trend or direction. The second group of
attributes included love of nation, religion and king, honesty, self-discipline, motivation
towards studies, and suffciency lifestyle. It was found that when the students conformed
to the Honesty attribute, this was the key to improve in the other attributes in the group.
From this results, this researcher prepared and presented 2 projects for Chiengrai
Vidhayakhome School and shared with other schools to consider using this project for
effcient attribute behavior modifcation in high school students as follows:
1. Project for the development of behavior attributes; determination in work, love
of being Thai, and public mindedness. The context of this project is in a workshop setting
in a controlled environment with teamwork as the format.
2. A life ethics development camp project. This project focuses on creating a
forceful understanding in the participants for behavioral conformation. This project uses
an outside agency’s training site and needs cooperation from the training area staff, school
staff, and the students’ parents or guardians

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Research Articles


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