The Filing Administration and Management of Ban Wieng Municipality, Rong Kwang District, Phrae Province

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อาทิตยา พลภักดี
สุวรัฐ แลสันกลาง


The fling administration and management of Ban Wieng municipality, Rong Kwang
flling administration and flling management. And to suggest the ways of flling
administration and management of Ban Wieng municipality, Rong Kwang district, Phrae
province. The 53 subject were the group of directors, service providers, and users. The
research instruments were in depth interview and questionnaire. The data were analyzed
by using content analysis, frequency, and percentage.
The results showed that: In the offcial letter aspect, the fling offcers lacked of
participate in training in flling such as accepting the offcial letters. There was no
rearrangement the importance of the offcial letters. In the offcial letters sending aspect,
there was no the copy in the center flling system. The high technology was not used in
sending offcial letters. In the offcial letter collecting aspect, the place where the offcial
In the offcial letter borrowing aspect, there was no making evidence in borrowing offcial
destroying system. It also lacked of the offcial letter survey and offcial letter destroying
should participate fling training. The importance and urgency of offcial letter should be
arranged. It should have the duplicate systems in order to keep the offcial letters at the
fling center. It should have the space to keep the offcial letters systematically by using
high technology. It should have the offcial letter survey to decide which offcial
letter should be destroyed by studying the fling regulations of Prime Minister’s Offce B.E.
1983 the fling regulations of Prime Minister’s Offce (Second Edition) 2005 (Naiyana
Girdwichai,2000 :73) throughthesamestandard.It shouldhavethe offcialletters’survey
and register in order to destroy them.

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