A Development of Instructional Model with Augmented Reality Technology for Graduate Students

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นิเวศน์ คำรัตน์
พรรณราย เทียมทัน
พรสิริ เอี่ยมแก้ว
สุธำทิพย์ งามนิล


This research aimed to develop the instructional model with augmented reality
technology for graduate students. There were two steps of the research being conducted:
1) the step of developing instructional model with augmented reality technology for
graduate students and 2) the step of doing try out the instructional model with augmented
reality technology for graduate students. The sampling consisted of 22 graduate students
of Curriculum and Instruction Program, Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University, selected by
purposive sampling from students who attended Information Technology and Innovation
for Learning subject in the second semester of the academic year 2016. Two research
instruments were instructional model with augmented reality technology and achievement
test. Data analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and dependent sample t-test.
The result of this research were as follow:
1. The instructional model with augmented reality technology for graduate students
consisted of three systematic components: 1) Input: to prepare and specify role of
teacher and students 2) Process: to learn with augmented reality technology using by
9 teaching steps of Gagné and 3) Output: to evaluate learning achievement.
2. The quality of instructional model with augmented reality technology for
graduate students was at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.88, S.D. = 0.21)
3. The posttest score of graduate students learning with instructional model with
augmented reality technology was higher than the pretest score at the .05 level of

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